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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

PERSONAL: A boy and his cat....Reunited :)

Last night was the toughest night for little Ben. He was worrying about Nisei not having any food and being lost and scared. I told him it was alright to cry if he wanted to and he cried little tears for about 15 minutes and then he fell asleep.

This morning, Paul was out getting the garbage organized for garbage day and noticed that the food we left out on the back deck had been eaten. When he was at the side of the house by the shed he saw a black cat go running by. "Nisei" he called. And finally Nisei came over.

He brought the cat into the house and we woke Ben up. Ben's not a morning person but he jumped up and started petting Nisei. Then he ran to take his pull up off and he went into the shower with no complaints. NO COMPLAINTS! He HATES having to get clean.

Then, after he was dressed, he wanted Mommy to take some pictures of him and Nisei so he could take them to Rocking Horse.

And so....here they are:

LOOK! Nisei's Home :)


More Smiles :)

A little to much cuddling for Nisei

-- Lisa P.

PS: Don't forget to vote on the new weekly poll. :)

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