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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PHOTOGRAPHY FOR FUN: Camping At Presqu'ile Provincial Park

I love camping. It's a great opportunity to get the camera out. :)

We spend the Labour Day weekend over at Presqu'ile this year with some friends. It was very windy and quite cool, but was still a great weekend.

Windy on the Lake

Did you notice the waves on that one. The clouds were also a bit crazy that weekend. You could see storms across the lake almost the entire weekend.

At Presqu'ile, hundreds of Monarch Butterflies stop over before they head to Mexico.  No, that's not a typo.  Mexico.  I wonder how long it takes them to fly that far!  Labour Day weekend was the weekend they were tagging and releasing them. It's pretty cool to watch. Ben got to release one. :)

Ben getting his butterfly from Monarch expert Don Davis

Ben's Butterfly...Be gentle!

It's too bad his finger is covering up the tag.

When he let it go it headed for the bushes

And took a brief stop before flying off.

Mr. Davis was full of information that he shared with those releasing the butterflies and those of us who were simply there to watch.  He told us how over the years, several of the butterflies tagged at this tagging event have been recovered later in the year in Mexico, Texas and other points South.  How cool is that?!

As an aside, for those of you who might be interested, I was looking at the "Friends of Presqu'ile" site and found this article in their News section.  Have a look.  That's A LOT of butterflies!!

One thing about Presqu'ile that I like is that they have this one trail, The Marsh Boardwalk Trail, that is pretty neat. For the most part, you walk along the boardwalk over the marsh (hence the name...haha).  It was closed for repairs for several years.  I believe they re-opened it either late last year or earlier this year.  The new boardwalk is awesome!  Very sturdy.

Walking along the Marsh Boardwalk Trail

Part of the trail goes into the woods and it does get quite dark in there. The trees along the way are pretty cool. Their trunks wind, making unusual shapes. There is one in particular that I always used to stop on to have my picture taken. It's shaped like an animal (i.e.: a horse).  Once Ben was born, I had Paul take a photo of the two of us at the same tree. 

One of the reasons why Photography is so important to me is that it's so difficult, as time passes, to remember all of the details.  I had forgotten that we did the 2005 photo.  I'm so very glad that we have a photo of it.  Ben loves it too, since, of course, he has no recollection of that camping trip.  He thinks it's pretty cool that he was sitting on that very same tree though. :)

                                              2002                                                              2005


So while the weekend was very windy and cooler than we'd all have liked, it was still fun :)  And of course, you can't be camping without a campfire.

Colourful Fire - The Last Night

The Last Morning At The Lake

Yes, he wanted to go swimming.  We convinced him otherwise.  LOL

Thanks for looking! :)

 -- Lisa P.

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