Portfolio Video Slideshow - Play in 720p when viewing in full screen. **UPDATED JANUARY 2013


Saturday, May 23, 2009


My little guy is getting bigger! Today we finally went to get him a new bike. It seems he grew quite a bit over the winter and his old bike is so tiny now! He was SOOOO excited.

The New Bike

Of course, how can you tell he has a photographer for a Mommy? Instead of rushing to help him when he falls, I make sure I get a shot of it first (of course, if he were REALLY hurt, I'd wait to take the photos...*wink*). When he's older, he'll kill me for this one. I only wish he was wearing his white Pokemon undies. His shorts got caught on the seat when he fell so when he tried to stand up, it pulled his shorts down a bit, exposing his cute little bum.

A Little Help Here Please!!

He wasn't too pleased that I took a picture of him, so off he went. The first of many short trips down the street on his new bike :)

I'm Outta Here!!

Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

-- Lisa P.

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